
Plant in the garden after danger of frost is passed. For an earlier start, sow in peat pots 3-4 weeks prior to the last average frost date. Harden off for 7-10 days before transplanting into the garden. Days indicate average time from direct seeding to first ripe fruits.
  • * 30 seeds - $3.25 - In Stock
    * 200 seeds - $5.95 - In Stock
    45 days. This open-pollinated zucchini is early and productive. The long, slim fruits are glossy dark green with...
  • * 30 seeds - $5.75 - In Stock
    * 200 Sds - $24.95 - In Stock
    53 days. An AAS Winner! Harvest loads of delicious zucchini on space-saving plants. Enjoy early crops of...
  • * 15 seeds - $4.95 - In Stock
    * 100 seeds - $12.95 - In Stock
    32 days. Easy to grow, easy to pick and an easy choice for your favorite zucchini recipes. The open bush habit of...
  • * 10 seeds - $4.95 - In Stock
    45 days. A broad disease resistance package makes this the ideal choice for organic gardeners. Widely adapted...
  • * 40 seeds - $5.85 - In Stock
    40-55 days. Harvest a colorful cornucopia of summer squash with just one packet. Our blend includes green and gold...
  • * 15 seeds - $4.95 - In Stock
    41 days. Outstanding yields in our trial garden. This workhorse started producing early in the season and never...
  • * 30 seeds - $5.55 - In Stock
    * 200 Sds - $20.95 - In Stock
    43 days. Smooth stems mean less fruit damage and easier harvesting. Medium-size plants yield uniform, cylindrical,...