Lingonberry Garden Guide

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Lingonberry Care At A Glance

  • Native, sturdy, evergreen ground cover.
  • Related to blueberries, plants only grow 8-12 in. tall, but spread slowly to form colonies.
  • Lingonberries do not compete well with other plants.
  • They must have well-drained soil and a pH of around 5.0.
  • Lingonberry produces white flowers in May and again in July or August.
  • Plants are self-fruitful.
  • The fruit ripens to bright red in 2 crops, typically July to August, and again in September & October.

Lingonberry Planting & Care Instructions

Lingonberries require similar growing conditions as blueberries.

  • Well-drained, deep humus soil with acidic pH.
  • Although they can adapt to full sun locations, locations in part sun, dappled shade or morning sun with afternoon shade is best.
  • Soil should be in a pH range of 5.0 to 5.5.
  • For the first growing season, we suggest Aluminum Sulphate, a fast-acting soil acidifier.
    • Use ¼ to ½ lb. per plant at planting time, not more.

NOTE: Excess acid can cause foliage burn. Please do not overdo it.

  • For a more appropriate, long-term soil acidifier, we recommend Hi-Yield Soil Sulfur.
    • Use ½ to 1 cup per plant every 3-4 years.
    • Mix with fresh compost or aged manure to ensure high microbial populations encourage acidification.

NOTE: Lowering soil pH by 1 unit can take up to 1 year, depending on soil and weather variables.

  • Plant lingonberries in a well-drained location, using soil mixed with ½ peat moss or humus, ¼ topsoil, and ¼ sand.
  • Water new plants thoroughly.
  • After planting, mulch with about 4 to 6 inches of compost, leaf mulch, or shredded cedar to help suppress weeds and help retain soil moisture.
  • During the growing season, apply at least 1 inch of water per week.