
Easy-to-grow, productive over a long season

Pole beans have a vigorous, climbing habit. A number of types of beans include pole varieties, including snap beans, flat podded Romano types, Lima beans, runner beans, oriental yard long beans, and dry beans. Pole beans benefit from a trellis or other support structure to support their vigorous growth. Harvest regularly to keep plants productive.

  • * 200 seeds - $3.95 - In Stock
    * 1000 seeds - $8.95 - Out of Stock
    (60) Unbeatable flavor and quality of this bean makes it a long-time favorite for freezing, canning, and fresh use....
  • * 200 Seeds - $4.95 - Out of Stock
    * 1000 seeds - $10.95 - Out of Stock
    (60) Enjoy this improved Blue Lake-type pole bean for its easy picking, long, spread-out harvest season and...
  • Bean, Pole, Fortex 

    5 star rating
    * 100 seeds - $6.95 - Out of Stock
    * 500 seeds - $21.95 - Out of Stock
    (60) A French filet-type pole bean that offers great eating, whether used fresh or frozen. Productive vines yield...
  • * 100 Seeds - $5.95 - Out of Stock
    * 500 seed - $12.95 - Out of Stock
    (60) Yields go on and on! Good resistance to heat and plant diseases results in a summer-long harvest of these...
  • * 150 Seeds - $4.35 - In Stock
    * 750 seeds - $10.95 - Out of Stock
    (58) 1991 AAS Winner! (PVP) Flavor of this bean is similar to Kentucky Wonder, but sweetened and enhanced by...
  • * 50 seeds - $3.75 - In Stock
    * 200 seeds - $8.95 - In Stock
    (85 Days) The most popular heirloom pole lima, bearing large clusters of plump 6 inch pods containing 3 to 5 large...
  • * 150 seeds - $5.45 - Out of Stock
    Flavorful, tender, high quality beans. This climbing French bean produces good crops of these golden-yellow beans...
  • * 200 seeds - $5.25 - Out of Stock
    * 1000 seeds - $12.95 - In Stock
    2017 National AAS Winner Vigorous vines produce an abundance of flavorful, straight and stringless, 5 to 6 inch...