The easiest to grow and are mainstays in most home gardens. The plants form an open rosette of leaves that can be cut again and again. Tender leaves have very mild flavor.
#J025641000 seeds - $3.45 - In Stock
1/2 Ounce - $6.95 - In Stock
35-45 days. A wide variety of colors and textures. Includes ruffled and crispy greens and reds, oak-leaf types and...Buy Now Details -
#J025581000 seeds - $3.25 - In Stock
1/2 ounce - $6.95 - In Stock
35-45 days. Our exclusive blend of tender, tasty leaf lettuce varieties. Includes many leaf forms and colors, all...Buy Now Details -
#J025451000 seeds - $3.25 - In Stock
1/2 Ounce - $4.95 - In Stock
15' Seed Tape - $4.95 - In Stock
(45 Days) Heat resistant. This reliable 100 year old garden classic can be sown early in the spring or during the...Buy Now Details -
#J049501000 seeds - $3.55 - In Stock
45 days. ORGANIC!! This 100 year-old garden classic can be relied upon whether sown early in the spring or during...Buy Now Details -
#J025601000 seeds - $3.75 - In Stock
1/2 Ounce - $7.95 - In Stock
45 days. This leaf-type lettuce, first introduced in 1973, is still tops for quality. The wavy, fringed leaves are...Buy Now Details -
#J02577500 seeds - $4.45 - In Stock
29 days. Gourmet market quality. When it comes to scrumptious leaf lettuce, New Red Fire takes the prize for best...Buy Now Details -
#J049521000 seeds - $3.85 - In Stock
50 days. ORGANIC!! Very slow bolting for long harvest. Large, upright plants form rosettes deeply lobed,...Buy Now Details -
#J025911000 seeds - $3.35 - In Stock
1/2 ounce - $5.95 - In Stock
50 days. Very slow bolting for long harvest. Large, upright plants form rosettes of deeply lobed, bronze-red...Buy Now Details -
#J025901000 seeds - $3.35 - In Stock
1/2 Ounce - $5.95 - In Stock
50 days. An AAS Winner! A lettuce of outstanding quality that will not become bitter in hot weather. Leaves...Buy Now Details -
#J02595* 1000 seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
48 days. (PVP) An old favorite made better! Crisp, frilled, light green leaves have a pleasing, sweet and mild...Buy Now Details -
#J02582300 Seeds - $4.25 - In Stock
52 days. (PVP) One of the best for heat tolerance and bolt resistance. Bright green leaves form wide rosettes that...Buy Now Details -
#J02538X$13.10 - In Stock1 each of New Red Fire, Tropicana, Buttercrunch and Parris Island. New Red Fire<...