$16.95 - In StockAn heirloom favorite. The charming lemon-yellow flowers have graceful Turks-cap form, each bloom generously sprinkled...
$14.95 - In StockThis splendid hybrid cross of L. speciosum rubrum and L. henryi bears blooms of deep maroon-red with a narrow white...
$14.95 - In StockHeavily reflexed 3-4" blooms are orange to crimson, freckled with maroon leopard-like spots. Strong stems carry 7"...
$14.95 - In StockThe lily of ancient Greece. Each 2 to 5 foot stem holds 8 to 15 funnel-shaped, pure white blooms. Plant in late...
$16.95 - In StockThis magical lily increases in size and beauty with each passing year. Strap-like foliage appears early in the spring...
$19.95 - In StockPrized for their huge, 6 to 10-inch, trumpet-shaped blooms. Brilliant colors include white, rose, yellow, and more....
$18.95 - In StockA pure white, unspotted form of L. martagon.
$14.95 - In StockThick, recurved petals are deep red with golden orange brushmarks concentrated around the center of each bloom....
$16.95 - In Stock[Bl: June/July] "Martagon", a Turkish word denoting a type of turban, describes this well-known lily, native to a...