
Peas make their best growth during cool weather and can be planted when the soil temperature is 45°F. Successive plantings will produce peas over a longer period. Seeds should be planted 1 inch deep and 2 inches apart. Inoculant should be used for maximum yields. Taller varieties should be trained on a trellis or fence to increase crops. A double row can then be planted 6 inches apart with the support between the rows. Afila-types ae self-supporting when grown in blocks of rows 6 inches apart. Our packets contain 150 seeds and will plant a 25-foot row. Average seed count is 125 seeds per ounce.
  • #J02920
    150 seeds - $4.15 - In Stock
    750 seeds - $8.25 - In Stock
    63 days. Space-saving 15 to 18 inch vines are heavily set with 4 inch pods, frequently borne in pairs. Pods on this...
  • #J02991X
    $8.95 - In Stock
    1 each of Strike, Laxton's Progress No. 9 and Green Arrow. Strike ... 
  • #J02910
    150 seeds - $3.45 - In Stock
    750 seeds - $7.25 - In Stock
    70 days. This excellent quality, main crop pea developed in England produces high yields of extra-long pods filled...
  • #J02923
    150 Seeds - $4.75 - In Stock
    750 seeds - $9.95 - In Stock
    (58-63 Days) Produced longer and outyielded every other pea in our trials. Developed in Germany where it's a...
  • #J02950
    150 seeds - $3.55 - In Stock
    750 seeds - $7.95 - In Stock
    (63 Days) The dark green vines on this heirloom variety grow only 14 to 16 inches tall and are wonderfully...
  • #J02930
    150 seeds - $3.55 - In Stock
    750 seeds - $6.95 - In Stock
    Extra-early yields of extra-long pods. This outstanding pea produces 4 inch pods containing 8 to 10 dark green, sweet...
  • #J02957
    150 seeds - $3.55 - In Stock
    750 seeds - $6.95 - In Stock
    (65 Days) A heat tolerant midseason pea with superb flavor. Long, pointed pods hold up to 11 bright green peas with a...
  • #J02964
    150 seeds - $3.45 - In Stock
    750 seeds - $7.95 - In Stock
    (56 Days) (PVP) We liked everything about this pea -- it's flavor, earliness, high yields and long picking season....
  • #J02980
    150 seeds - $3.45 - In Stock
    750 seeds - $6.95 - In Stock
    (70 Days) Will succeed under heat and drought conditions where other varieties fail. Well-suited for late planting....