Product Details
Page Number 23
Growing Zones 4 to 8
Fragrant n
Size Shipped potted plant
Height 18-28"
Genus Astilbe
Species Arendsii
Common Name Astilbe, Deutschland

Astilbe, Deutschland

Out of Stock
The most colorful perennials for shade. These easy care-plants display colorful masses of feathery spikes for weeks, usually beginning in midsummer. Their attractive ferny foliage ranges from blue-green to bronze-green tones. Plant in soil that is rich, moist and well-drained. Also called False Spirea or Feather Flowers. Deutschland - Pure White. Blooms in early summer.

Growing Zone: 4 to 8

Own Root

Height: 18-28"

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 4 to 8
Page Number 23
Fragrant n
Size Shipped potted plant
Height 18-28"
Genus Astilbe
Species Arendsii
Common Name Astilbe, Deutschland