Product Details
Page Number 27
Growing Zones 5 to 8
Flowering Season Early Summer
Light Requirements
Fragrant n
Attracts Butterflies y
Size Shipped potted plant
Height 18"
Flowering Yes
Spacing 2 ft
Genus Geranium
Species hybrida
Subspecies Rozanne
Common Name Geranium, Rozanne Hardy

Geranium, Rozanne Hardy

(P.P. #12175) The longest-blooming hardy geranium. Rozanne blooms tirelessly from June until frost, cranking our loads of 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 inch cup-shaped blooms of violet-blue with veined white centers. Deep green foliage is lightly marbled with chartreuse. The 18 inch plants spread up to 36 inches wide. Provides terrific garden impact and is also superb in hanging baskets. Introduced by Blooms of Bressingham.

Growing Zone: 5 to 8

Light Requirements:

Own Root

Height: 18"

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 5 to 8
Page Number 27
Flowering Season Early Summer
Light Requirements
Fragrant n
Attracts Butterflies y
Size Shipped potted plant
Height 18"
Flowering Yes
Spacing 2 ft
Genus Geranium
Species hybrida
Subspecies Rozanne
Common Name Geranium, Rozanne Hardy