Product Details
Page Number 34
Growing Zones 3 to 8
Flowering Season Spring
Light Requirements
Fragrant y
Size Shipped Select 3-5 eye rhizomes
Height 2.5-3'
Flowering Yes
Disease Resistant y
Rabbit Resistant y
Deer Resistant y
Subspecies Duchesse De nemours
Common Name Peony, Duchesse De Nemours

Peony, Duchesse De Nemours

An heirloom variety in cultivation since 1856. Creamy white, double blooms have phenomenal fragrance and are produced in abundance. Noted for its excellent garden habit and strong stems, the shrub-like plants look nice even when not in bloom. Flowers early. 30-36" tall.

Growing Zone: 3 to 8

Light Requirements:

Own Root

Height: 2.5-3'

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 3 to 8
Page Number 34
Flowering Season Spring
Light Requirements
Fragrant y
Size Shipped Select 3-5 eye rhizomes
Height 2.5-3'
Flowering Yes
Disease Resistant y
Rabbit Resistant y
Deer Resistant y
Subspecies Duchesse De nemours
Common Name Peony, Duchesse De Nemours